When it comes to the rising popularity of exotic pets there are many concerns. Many people think because you can get an exotic pet simply by waving around cash means that it is perfectly legal to have one anywhere.
This is not the case at all.
There are many places that have banned all or specific types of exotic animals as pets. If you are seriously considering an exotic animal as a pet in your home, you want to find out whether they are legal of not. You will need to be very thorough and talk to the proper agencies in your area.
You will not only want to call the state government office, but the county and city government offices as well. Many times a particular exotic pet could be legal state wide but banned within specific city or county limits. So be sure to cover all your bases before purchasing any exotic pet.
If you are looking up laws in your area on the Internet, it is still important to double check via phone communication. Some states, counties, and cities do not update all of their information all the time. Most of the government offices try to keep up with their web sites, but you cannot rely on that everyday.
The information could have changes months ago and no one has had the time to update. Be sure to visit or call your agencies for verbal confirmation that the exotic pet you want is legal. Most people find that the strictest laws governing exotic pets are at the city or town level. To find out whom you need to call you can start with your local shelters, Vets, and humane society for names and numbers. Once you have found out your exotic pet choice is legal in your city or town, the search is not over. Now you will need to check out your county laws. Some cities will not put a law in order against a specific exotic pet if there is already one in place at a higher level. Many times they will not even tell you that there is a law above their own. This is why you must look for yourself.
If your exotic pet is legal in your county and city, it is now time to check the state laws. Once you have cleared that now it is time for the federal laws. Many times it is legal all the way up to the state law but then the country’s government may need you to apply for permits or other services depending on the type of exotic pet you are choosing. There are many guidelines for exotic pets depending on what they are, how large, and whether they are a danger to those around you. So be sure to dig for information at every level of the government. If you fail to find out what laws apply to you and what stipulations, you could end up with a pet the government has banned.
This may sound like a huge bother just to get a pet. It is very important though for you and for the pet you are choosing. Just because you can find an exotic pet locally does not mean it is legal by any means. Reputable stores and breeders would never sell illegal animals, but you cannot assume all breeders and stores are on the up and up. Some pet stores will sell illegal animals because they only illegal to have as pets in one city verses the rest of the surrounding area that they cater to. These laws may be questionable and seem unfair, but they are laws and must be obeyed. Failure to comply could cause them to seize your pet, even euthanasia of your pet, and a hefty fine or other punishment. There is no reason to get an animal just because you want it and then have the government destroy it.
There are reasons for these laws and restrictions in some cases. Many animals being sold as pets today are endangered species and do not belong in the homes of people as domesticated animals. This could further kill off the species if they are removed from their natural habits. Most of these poor animals smuggled in for exotic pets sales die before ever reaching a home and many more die soon after. Other reasons can be that the animal you want is a dangerous wild animal, such as big cats and crocodiles.
These animals have many regulations where they are permitted and for good reasons. Some species of exotic animals are invasive to native populations if they get out of control and escape or are released. So even though finding out the local laws in your area may be daunting, it is very important for you and your considered exotic pet.
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