When it comes to pets these days, many people look for something that will best compliment their personality. Some people opt for cats, while others look at getting a family dog, then there are some that just want to stray from the norm.
These people are the ones who look to be original and have a pet that no one else has. This is where the African hedgehog comes into the picture. These cute prickly little creatures are anything but normal when it comes to pets, yet more and more people today are looking into these wonderful little animals to introduce into their homes.
Like all pets there is a certain level of care that must be applied to the raising of hedgehogs, while it may not be litter boxes or leases there is still a regime that must be followed to keep your hedgehog happy and healthy.
There are many questions that are asked when someone is looking at buying and caring for hedgehogs. There really is no right or wrong question to ask when you are interested in a hedgehog as a pet. Considering the fact that hedgehogs have become a very popular pet over the last decade we will explore some of the most asked questions about these great little pets.
What are the laws in regards to hedgehogs and keeping them as pets?
Like all exotic animals, there may be laws governing their keeping in your area. It would be best to find out from your local authorities prior to purchase. This will keep you out of trouble should you not be allowed to own one and you get caught.
With breeding always an issue, when is it best to breed hedgehogs should you choose too?
African hedgehogs generally are ready to reproduce between 3-4 months, it would be best however to allow them to become at least 6 months of age before considering it. The average gestational period of the hedgehog is 34-37 days, and the litter will usually be somewhere in the 1-7 pup range. More often than not however, you will see a litter of 4 pups.
Should a new hedgehog mother be left alone after she gives birth?
A new hedgehog mother should definitely be left alone after she has given birth to her pups. Hedgehogs are naturally shy and skittish animals to begin with, should you attempt to handle your hedgehog shortly after she has given birth more than likely she will become stressed and she may eat her young. It is always best to leave her be until the pups are weaned from her and they can be moved into a separate environment.
What kind of housing should be appropriate for hedgehogs?
One thing that must be remembered about hedgehogs is that they are great climbers and swimmers. You will need a home that is smooth and high walled should you want to keep your hedgehog within its confines. Generally people will use a 20-gallon aquarium with a mesh lid. Placing an old plant pot or small cardboard box in the tank will give them the privacy that they need, as they are very shy.
What type of bedding should be used in a hedgehog home?
You will want to avoid any cedar or pine shavings for the bedding of a hedgehog, as the oils in the wood will introduce repertory tract infections as well as trouble with their feet and skin. It is always best to use shredded newspaper or paper pellets in the hedgehog home.
What temperature should the hedgehogs be held in?
The most ideal temperature to house hedgehogs would be between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Should you go lower than 75 there is a chance that the hedgehog will go into hibernation. If you go above the 85-degree mark you will risk the hedgehog and could put them in heat stress. They could also become very sluggish and will not have very much energy.
What types of food should they eat?
It is possible for your hedgehog to eat small amounts of chopped fruits and vegetables, yet they will also eat bugs. They should not be given bugs that you find around your home; they should ideally be bugs like mealworms from your local pet store.
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