There are lots of great things about ferrets. These are charming little sweeties that are very playful. Many people first get a glimpse of a ferret through a friend or a pet store. They can be almost irresistible to not take home. For many people, ferrets make extremely rewarding pets. There are many things to consider before just taking your wonderful ferret home with you. Depending on your life style, a ferret may not be the right pet for you, no matter how bad you want one or more. It is important to discover all the wonderful ferret facts prior to making your final decision. There is much in the way of responsibility when it come to ferret raising. Each ferret has his or her own specific needs, feelings, and personality.
Ferrets are magnificently social and need to be played with quite frequently. They strive for interaction and crave attention. Ferrets may be small, but they are not “hand pets” that are happy in the confines of a cage, no matter how large. They will want to come out and play with their owners and snoop all around the home. Ferrets require more out of cage time than they do inside. So be prepared to watch you sweet ferret explore the house with vigor and find things you forgot you even owned. For ferret lovers this is extremely amusing and entertaining. If you cannot provide the constant play time and interaction that your ferret friend needs, it is important to get him or her a companion. Ferrets enjoy each other and will play with each other often.
Ferrets are amazingly smart creatures, which can be very dangerous. They will get into things that once could never dream of. Ferrets have a special ability to get into what they are not supposed to and out of what they should be able to. They are little guys and can quickly dodge being seen by following along walls or hiding under furniture. Your ferret may even sneak past you when you open the door for a quick second. One must be very cautious with a loose ferret around the house in order to keep him or her safe. Everyone in the home should be trained on keep a watchful eye out for his or her smart ferret companions. It is also a good idea to ferret-proof your home. This will have to include some very ingenious maneuvers. Ferrets have very flexible bones to go with their wit. They can get into spaces that defy all rationality, so ferret proofing can be very tricky. Not to mention they are avid climbers and will manage to get into something you think is out of reach if so desired. With their smart nature you will find your ferret will drag other objects into position to make climbing to the desired location easier. You can also expect your ferret to explore any cabinet without a latch as well; they can open them with ease.
Ferrets can be litter trained. This is wonderful news for many free roaming ferret owners. Although they may not use it every single time, for the most part if trained properly they will. Ferrets metabolize food quickly and eliminate often, so having many litter boxes at your ferret’s disposal will encourage relief in an appropriate location. It is also a wise idea to have newspapers scattered through frequently traveled ferret areas. Your ferret will have at least one accident outside the litter box per day, so newspapers help provide a secondary place to relieve should the need arise.
Although there are so many fun things about ferrets that can make them great pets and companions, it takes time and consideration when deciding if they are for you. You do not want to buy a ferret on impulse to find out you cannot handle the responsibility and have to abandon him or her at a shelter. Make sure that you are informed about your ferret and know what to expect before bringing him or her into your home. It is far easier to make an error when getting a ferret than with other domestic animals because finding appropriate information can be harder. Always be sue to find out everything about ferret raising prior to purchasing so you can be sure that a ferret is compatible with your life style.
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